
LapTimeManager Documentation


The LapTimeManager class is responsible for calculating and managing lap times for each participant in the race. It takes into account various factors such as driver skill, driver consistency, car performance, car condition (fuel/tyres), and randomness to simulate real-world lap times.

Note, a participant is a combination of a specific car and driver.

How Lap Times Are Calculated

1. Base Lap Time Calculation

The foundation of any lap time is the base lap time of the track. It essentially represents the fastest possible time a participant can achieve. It is dictatated by:


self.base_laptime = self.track_model.base_laptime
self.base_laptime += (MAX_SPEED - self.driver.speed) * DRIVER_SPEED_FACTOR
self.base_laptime += (MAX_SPEED - self.car_model.speed) * CAR_SPEED_FACTOR

2. Lap Time Variation

Lap times are not constant due to natural driving inconsistencies. The variation is calculated as:

additonal_laptime_variaton = int((1 - (self.driver.consistency / 100)) * LAP_TIME_VARIATION)
self.laptime_variation = LAP_TIME_VARIATION_BASE + additonal_laptime_variaton

Below shows a laptime comparison of a driver with a consistency rating of 90 and 20.


3. Calculating a Lap Time

Each lap time is determined using:

random_time_loss = self.randomiser.random_laptime_loss()
self.laptime = self.base_laptime + random_time_loss + self.car_model.fuel_effect + self.car_model.tyre_wear + dirty_air_effect


4. Pit Stop Time Adjustment

If a participant is pitting, the lap time is adjusted by adding:

self.laptime += self.track_model.pit_stop_loss
self.laptime += self.participant.pitstop_times[-1]

This ensures pit stops have a realistic time penalty.

5. First Lap Time Calculation

The first lap is handled differently because cars start from a grid position and experience more traffic.

random_time_loss = self.randomiser.random_lap1_time_loss()
self.laptime = self.track_model.base_laptime + LAP1_TIME_LOSS + (idx * LAP1_TIME_LOSS_PER_POSITION) + random_time_loss

Here, idx represents the car’s position after turn 1, which increases lap time losses due to congestion. The intent of this calculation is to spread the field out after turn 1. No position changes after turn 1 can occur.

6. Adjusting Time When Overtaken

When a car is overtaken, its lap time is revised:

self.laptime = revised_laptime
self.laptimes[-1] = revised_laptime

This ensures that the total time reflects the real-time loss from being passed.

Summary of Factors Affecting Lap Times

Factor Effect on Lap Time
Track Base Lap Time Baseline for all calculations
Driver Speed Faster driver decreases lap time
Car Speed Faster car decreases lap time
Random Variation Introduces unpredictability
Fuel Load Higher fuel increases lap time
Tyre Wear More wear increases lap time
Dirty Air Effect Following cars experience increased lap times
Pit Stop Adds pit stop loss time
First Lap Position Further back increases lap time
Being Overtaken Adjusts lap time to reflect time lost

This class provides a realistic simulation of lap times based on multiple contributing factors.